Monday, January 25, 2016

Unit 5: Reflection

This unit was about the metabolism, digestive system, endocrine system, and lymphatic system. Continuing themes from last year, this unit stressed the importance of balance. Balance is important in the endocrine system and metabolism as they are both controlled by conscious decisions. The endocrine not so much, however it is effected by what we eat and the responses our body has. For example, if we were to become stressed, the adrenal glands would secrete adrenaline to prepare our body for the worst possible situation. This can be problematic as we often over react to the small things and rarely look at the big picture. Balance in diet effects the endocrine system as well as the metabolism. This is because certain chemicals are produced to digest and transport the nutrients found in the food we eat. We also learned that a major cause of diabetes is insulin-resistance. Insulin-resistance effectively decreases the permeability of the hormone, leading cells to either starve themselves or over consume. Things in this unit went generally well (besides having locked my keys in my car and having to go a day without my notebook). A weakness I foresee is my lack of memorization of specifics. By this I mean I understand everything on a basic level, however, I do not remember specific organs and what hormones they secrete. I have however learned from the temp check and memorized the track in which food flows in the digestive system, more specifically, the small intestine. Labs and exercises involving this unit include a mini-poster of the 3 stages of metabolism. A more memorable reading I did was from the book, "why do zebras not get ulcers," in which it explained the effects of insulin resistance and how the metabolism could be compared to a bank. Unanswered questions that I still have include what makes the metabolic rate increase and what foods do so. I was also wondering as to what dysfunctions on a genetic level would have on the metabolism. 

In regards to my New Years goals, I have begun eating a healthier diet, avoiding ice cream and other sweets. I have also begun to work out on a more regular basis. I am actually about to start a workout and diet program tomorrow (WAY too tired to start today). 

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