Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sheep eye dissection

  1. Cornea- the transparent layer in front of the eye that protects it (was very hard and almost like a plastic during the dissection)
  2. Sclera- the white outer layer of the eyeball and serves to protect the eye/contain its components (based off of observation) and connects the muscle
  3. Optic nerve-  each pair of cranial nerves connect at the back of the eye; transmit signals to the brain from the retina at the back of the eye
  4. Iris- a circular structure that controls the diameter of the pupil, thus the amount of light that enters the eye
  5. Pupil- hole at the center or the iris that allows a certain amount of light into the eye
  6. Ciliary body- controls the shape of the len, tissue that supplies eye with oxygen
  7. Choroid- the pigmented vascular layer of the eyeball between the retina and the sclera;
  8. Tapetum lucidum- lying right behind the retina, the tapetum lucidum is a refractory material that allows animals to see in the dark by reflecting the light (reason why animals eyes seem to flash back when photos are taken of them)
  9. Retina- essentially the film in the camera; very thin and was VERY easy to peal back in the dissection
  10. Lens- transparent, light bending structure, felt like a marble almost, like a marble split in half
  11. Vitreous humor- clear gel that fills the space between the lens and the retina; is the ‘cushion’/filler/place holder for the lens  

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