Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Unit 2 Review

Health is the balance of all aspects that effect an individual. These aspects include social, mental, physiological, and nutritional. In these regards, I am most certainly not healthy. I stay up way too long playing video games on the weekend, work on homework for way too long, and eat a horrible diet. My diet mainly consists of meat and carbs. This diet is extremely unhealthy I do not eat any fruits, vegetables, or milk products. If you view one of my previous posts where I track my diet for a weekend, you can see that I ate literally 0 fruit. At SHS there is a similar trend. Most of the students at SHS receive up to 6 hours a night and take 3 AP classes, making their lives extremely strenuous. Little do they know that the stress that they are causing themselves could lead to chronic illness, fatigue(which will eventually work against them when they try to stay up late) as well as affect the way they will respond to more stress.

To promote a greater wellness on campus would require a reduction in homework load. Another possible solution to deter students from taking these stress inducing classes would be to take away the grade bump given to the students for taking the AP class. If this grade bump is taken away then the students would have no desire to take the class unless they were genuinely interested.

Some essential themes and essential understandings from this unit include:
- Sleep is necessary for a balanced life
- A healthy diet keeps the body from becoming hormonally imbalanced and provides nutrients to grow up healthy
- Stress needs to be balanced otherwise you will end up hurting yourself in the long run
- One hormone imbalanced will lead to more becoming imbalanced

Some things that I do not fully understand is why I get so tired earlier and earlier in the day. I am constantly nodding off in classes and such. I believe it to be the fact that my diet is not optimal for my work load and that I changed my sleeping schedule while in Costa Rica. Academically I do not understand why our body needs sleep and why we dream.

To succeed in the next unit I will not go on a trip to Costa Rica and fall behind in all of my classes.

A profession that would match this unit would be a Nutritionist.

Health goals) Gain muscle mass, eat a healthier diet, get more sleep
Actions I will take) Sleep when my body tells me to, eat more fruit
A healthy life is important to me because I want to live as long as possible.
I will know I have reached my goals when I sleep for at least 8 hours a day and eat one fruit a day for a month.

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